My Head's In Mississippi
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:33 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill & Frank Beard
File Size
48 KB
I'm shuf-flin' through the Tex-as sand, uh, but my head's in Mis-sis-sip-pi. Ha! I'm sh-shuf-flin' through the Tex-as sand, now, but my head's in Mis-sis-sip-pi, yeah! The blues has got a hold on me. I be-lieve I'm a-get-tin' diz-zy. Help me, now. I keep thin-kin' 'bout that night in Mem-phis. Lord, I thought I was in hea-ven. I keep thin-kin' 'bout the night in Mem- phis. I thought I was in Hea- ven. But I was stum-blin' through the par-kin' lot of an in-vi-si-ble Se-ven E-le-ven. What was I do-in' out there? Last night I saw a cow-girl. She was floa-tin' a-cross the cei-ling Uh! Oh! Uh, last night I saw a na-ked cow- girl. She was floa-tin' a-cross the cei-ling. She was mum-blin' to some how- lin' wolf a-bout some voo-doo hea-lin'. Hmm, ba-by. Ah, huh. Where's my head ba-by? Sa-Some-where in Mis-sis-sip-pi, Lord, have mer-cy. Oh!